1. Apr 25, 19.30
7th Philharmonic Concert


Two classical hits and two rarities of an extraordinary kind. Hardly any other work than Barber's Adagio for Strings has made it so often into the world of film as a soundtrack. And what would New Year's Eve be without the champagne mood from Johann Strauss Sohn's Fledermaus? The 3rd Symphony by the African-American composer Florence Price promises to be a real discovery. Sebastian Schwab, conductor and composer in one, will première his Concerto Bavarese in Constance, thus also representing the "fifth" country on Lake Constance.


Bodensee Philharmonie - Ticket and Subscription Office
Fischmarkt 2, 78462 Constance
07531 900-2816
Opening hours Mon. to Fri. 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.


Johann Strauß (Sohn) 1825‒1899

Ouvertüre zu »Die Fledermaus«

Sebastian Schwab 1993‒Heute

Concerto Bavarese - operettige Szenen nach Karl Valentin (Uraufführung)

Samuel Barber 1910‒1981

Adagio for Strings op. 11

Florence Price 1887‒1953

Symphonie Nr. 3 C-Moll


Franz Hawlata


Sebastian Schwab


Concert Information

Eine Stunde vor Konzertbeginn findet  die Konzerteinführung unter der Leitung von  Dr. Hans Hofmann statt.


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