7. Feb 25, 19.30
Audite caeli – Udite donne
Chamber concert


Secular and sacred music from
the Canzoniere di Montecassino
(15th century)
Works by Dufay, Gaffurius,
van Ghizeghem, Cornago and others.

This rich collection may give today's listeners a small impression of the flourishing international musical life at the Aragonese court in Naples in the second half of the 15th century: Sacred hymns and motets, but also Franco-Burgundian chansons, Spanish canciones and Italian strambotti and ballate bear witness to an enormously artistic epoch.


Grace Newcombe

Sopran, Clavicymbalum

Ulrike vom Hagen

Viella, recorders

Csaba-Zsolt Dimén

Viola d'arco

Peter Achtzehnter

Viella, Lira da braccio, Gesang

Concert Information

Tickets can be purchased from the Bodensee Philharmonie - and also from the tourist information centre in Radolfzell.